PM Kisan Loan New Yojana : अब किसान बैंक से 3लाख का लोंन बिना गारंटर के जानिये प्रोसेस

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Hello farmers, a very good news has come for all of you. Let us tell you that the Prime Minister has made a big announcement on his birthday. A very good news has been made for all the farmers. This good news is not only for the farmers but also for the small traders. It is very good, let us tell you that on this birthday, the Prime Minister has expanded a new scheme in which a very good scheme has been launched for all the farmers, small traders and business nano.

In this, let us tell you that you can get a bank loan up to ₹ 300000. Now you will not have to give any guarantee to take a loan from the bank and the bank will give you a loan up to ₹ 300000. Let us know its full process. Complete information is given in this post, how you will have to take the loan and what to do. What will be the percentage?

PM Kisan Loan New Yojana 2023-24

Sarkari Yojana 2023-24 PM Vishwakarma Yojana
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government scheme { जानें, क्या है सरकार की योजना और इससे कैसे मिलेगा लाभ }

Many schemes are being run by the Central Government for farmers and other sections of the people, from which they are getting benefits and many new beneficial schemes are also being started. In this context, recently PM Modi has launched a special scheme under which people doing traditional work in villages will now be able to get a cheap loan of up to Rs 3 lakh. The special thing is that this loan will be made available without any collateral or guarantee.

You can get this cheap loan without any guarantee. The interest rate on this loan has also been kept low so that you can repay it easily. This scheme has been implemented equally in both rural and urban areas. The government will spend about Rs 13,000 crore on this scheme. Cheap loans will be made available to people doing 18 types of jobs included in the list of this scheme.

vishwakarm baink se 3laakh ka lonn bina gaarantar ke jaaniye proses
vishwakarm baink se 3laakh ka lonn bina gaarantar ke jaaniye proses

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किस योजना के तहत मिलेगा सस्ता लोन/क्या है पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना { PM Vishwakarma Yojana }

Under this scheme, you can get a maximum loan of up to Rs 3 lakh. In the first phase you will be given a loan of one lakh rupees. After this, a loan of Rs 2 lakh will be available in the second phase of this scheme. Thus, under PM Vishwakarma Yojana, you can avail a maximum loan of up to Rs 3 lakh. The interest rate on this is also very low, due to which this loan can be very economical for you.

पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना में किन 18 कामों के लिए मिलेगा सस्ता लोन

  • Carpenters
  • boat builders
  • people who make weapons
  • iron workers
  • locksmiths
  • hammer and tool kit manufacturer
  • gold and silver workers
  • pottery makers
  • sculptor (sculptor)
  • shoe repair people
  • mason (house builder)
  • People who make baskets, mats and brooms
  • People who make traditional dolls and toys
  • tailors
  • people who cut hair and run salons
  • Malakar (flower garland maker)
  • people who wash clothes and do laundry
  • people who make fish nets

विश्वकर्मा योजना के तहत लोन पर कितना देना होगा ब्याज (Interest)

Under PM Vishwakarma Yojana, the loan interest rate has been kept very low so that more and more people can take advantage of it. You will have to pay interest at 5 percent annual rate on the interest taken under this scheme. If you take a loan of Rs 1 lakh under this scheme, you will have to pay 5 percent of it i.e. Rs 5,000 annual interest.
Although the actual interest rate for a bank’s business loan is around 13 percent, but under this scheme you will get the loan at only 5 percent interest rate. That means you are getting 8 percent subsidy from the government on this loan which will be borne by MoMSME.

पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना दस्तावेजों (documents) की होगी आवश्यकता

  • Aadhar card
  • PAN card
  • income certificate
  • Address proof
  • caste certificate
  • Bank account distribution, copy of bank passbook for this
  • Mobile number linked to Aadhaar
  • passport size photo
  • Identity card etc.

पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना में लोन लेने के लिए क्या है पात्रता और शर्तें

पीएम विश्वकर्मा योजना (PM Vishwakarma Yojana) के लिए सरकार की ओर से पात्रता और शर्तें (Eligibility and conditions) भी निर्धारित की गईं हैं। योजना के तहत जो पात्रता व शर्तें तय की गई हैं, वे इस प्रकार से हैं

  • The person applying must be a citizen of India.
  • Under the scheme, the age of the person applying for loan must be at least 18 years. Whereas people below 50 years of age can apply for it.
  • To get a loan under this scheme, it is necessary that you have not previously availed the benefit of PM Swanidhi or Mudra Loan or Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Program (PMEGP).
  • The applicant applying for loan must have a certificate in the related trade from a recognized institute.
  • The person applying under the scheme must belong to one of the 140 castes.

How to apply for loan under PM Vishwakarma Scheme

  • First of all you have to go to the official website of the scheme PM Vishwakarma Yojana
  • Here on the home page you will see the option of Apply Online link. You have to click on it.
  • As soon as you do this, the registration form will open in front of you.
  • Here you can register yourself in PM Vishwakarma Yojana.
  • After this, SMS of registration number and password will come on your mobile.
  • After this, read the registration form thoroughly and fill it completely.
  • Now scan and upload all the required documents along with this filled form. After this click on the submit button.
  • In this way you can easily apply under PM Vishwakarma Scheme.

Apply For Online Official Site Link : –